Applying for Jurried Exhibitions
This week I applied to two juried exhibitions: The “Water” themed exhibition put on by Round Rock Arts and an unthemed one put on by Studio 111 in Tyler, TX. I had wanted to photograph the pieces in their frames but the setup required to get a good picture with no reflections was very challenging. My husband went to great lengths to try to make it happen but in the end I just took the glass out of the frames.
It seems like a simple and straight-forward fix but I worry about the art without its glass and, more importantly, it’s such a pain to get the art, matboard, and glass perfectly clean before putting it all back together. In fact, after working on it yesterday, I found that the piece I sold recently and was just finishing framing, has some dust in it so I’ll have to take it all apart and try to get it perfectly clean again before I send it to its new forever-home.
Here are the pieces I submitted:
I’ll find out if I made it into either exhibition on June 11th.
Titles from left to right:
“Nothing Can Contain”; “One Third Emptyful”
“Open, Empty, Inverted, and yet Full of Joy”; “My Lady of the Leaves”